
中文名 拉丁名 采集人 采集号 采集日期 地名
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla Lu Lu etc. LL-2011-31 20110915 中国;四川省;泸定县;east slope of Gongga Shan,Hailuogou Glacier Park west of Moxi GPS;open slope in moss on rocks and boulders in Rhododendron mixed forest
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla Lu Lu etc. LL-07155 20070724 中国;西藏自治区;墨脱县;Medog County: Duoxiongla, on the trail to Lage, SE Tibet;Common on the open slope, in the meadow.
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla Lu Lu etc. LL-2011-31 20110915 中国;四川省;泸定县;Luding County: east slope of Gongga Shan, Hailuogou Glacier Park, west of Moxi. GPS(WGS84);Open slope in moss on rocks and boulders in Rhododendron mixed forest
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla Lu Lu etc. LL-2011-22 20110910 中国;云南省;德钦县;Deqin County: east slope of Meili Xue Shan, above 1991 Sino-Japanese Base Camp, west of Upper Yubeng Village. GPS(WGS84);partly shaded area near river bank, growing in moss on or in between
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla Lu Lu etc. LL-2011-21 20110910 中国;云南省;德钦县;Deqin County: east slope of Meili Xue Shan, above 1991 Sino-Japanese Base Camp at river, west of Upper Yubeng Village. GPS(WGS84);partly shaded area near river bank, growing in moss on or i
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla Lu Lu etc. LL-2011-36 20110916 中国;四川省;天全县;Tianquan County: Yazikou Pass, old state road from Tibet to Sichuan, above tunnel on Hwy G318, summit ridge of Erlang Shan. GPS(WGS84);Open or shaded slope
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla Lu Lu etc. LL-2011-36 20110916 中国;四川省;天全县;Tianquan County: Yazikou Pass, old state road from Tibet to Sichuan, above tunnel on Hwy G318, summit ridge of Erlang Shan. GPS(WGS84);Open or shaded slope
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla 陆露等 LL-2013-47 20130924 中国;云南省;贡山县;Bangdang Township Biluo Xue Shan trail from Siwanongba Valley to Sila Pass;林中
刺毛白珠 Gaultheria trichophylla 杨斌,陈洪梁 YangBChen-310 20140526 中国;云南省;泸水县;片马至六库途中片马风雪丫口附近;附生于岩石壁
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