
中文名 拉丁名 采集人 采集号 采集日期 地名
红粉白珠 Gaultheria hookeri Lu Lu LL-07089 20070724 中国;西藏自治区;墨脱县;Medong County;Lage Village on the trail from Duoxiongla to Lage SE Tibet;on the open slope or in the meadow
红粉白珠 Gaultheria hookeri Lu Lu etc. LL-07089 20070724 中国;西藏自治区;墨脱县;Medog County: Lage Village, on the trail from Duoxiongla to Lage. SE Tibet;Common on the open slope or in the meadow.
红粉白珠 Gaultheria hookeri Lu Lu etc. LL-07219 20070726 中国;西藏自治区;墨脱县;Medog County: Dayandong Village, on the trail from Dayandong to Hanmi. SE Tibet;Common on the open slope or in the meadow.
红粉白珠 Gaultheria hookeri 郁文彬,张书东 9 20070800 中国;四川省;;Sichang Province;Common in the alpine or subalpine
红粉白珠 Gaultheria hookeri 陆露等 LL-2013-18 20130913 中国;云南省;贡山县;Cikai Township Gaoligong Shan vicinity of the tunnel at Heipu Pass along the road from Gongshan to Dulongjiang;Alpine meadows and thickets with scattered bamboo
红粉白珠 Gaultheria hookeri 陆露等 LL-2013-46 20130923 中国;云南省;贡山县;Bangdang Township Biluo Xue Shan Balagong spur trail from Dimaluo to Balagong Pass.;林中
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