
Abies delavayi

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Abies delavayi为接受名
科属名称:Pinaceae(松科)  冷杉属
形态描述:乔木,高达25米,胸径达1米;树皮粗糙,纵裂,灰褐色;大枝平展,树冠尖塔形;小枝无毛,稀嫩枝有毛叶枕之间微有凹槽,一年生枝红褐色或褐色,二, 三年生枝暗褐色、褐色或暗灰褐色;冬芽圆球形,有树脂。叶密生,辐射伸展,或枝条下面之叶排列成两列,上面之叶斜上伸展,条形,通常微呈镰状,边缘向下反卷,长0.8-3.2(多为1.5-2)厘米,宽1.7-2.5毫米,先端有凹缺,上面光绿色,下面中脉两侧各有一条粉白色气孔带,白粉带常被反卷的叶缘遮盖,横切面两侧卷曲、两端急尖,有2个边生树脂道, 上面至两端下侧有一层连续排列的皮下层细胞,稀两端二层,下面中部有二层皮下层细胞。球果圆柱形或卵状圆柱形,熟时黑色,被白粉,长6-11厘米,径3-4厘米,有短梗,中部种鳞扇状四方形,长1.3-1.5厘米,宽1.4-1.8厘米;苞鳞露出,先端有凸尖的长尖头,尖头长3-5毫米,通常向外反曲;种子常较种翅为长,种翅淡褐色或褐色。花期5月,球果10月成熟。
1 横断山植物志,v上册 189  BHL中国
2 江西植物志,v1 375  BHL中国
3 中国植物志,v7 76  BHL中国
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8 A naturalist in western China, with vasculum, camera, and gun; being some account of eleven years' travel, exploration, and observation in the more remote parts of the Flowery kingdom, by Ernest Henry Wilson...with an introduction by Charles Sprague Sarge v.1 with vasculum 15  BHL全球
9 Phytologia. v.68 no.1 (1990) 12  BHL全球
10 Phytologia. v.68 no.1 (1990) 13  BHL全球
11 Phytologia. v.68 no.1 (1990) 18  BHL全球
12 Phytologia. v.58 no.6 (1985) 365  BHL全球
13 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.70 (1983) 1983 513  BHL全球
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17 The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects. ser.3 v.39 1906 212  BHL全球
18 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.63 (1976) 1976 30  BHL全球
19 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.63 (1976) 1976 31  BHL全球
20 A naturalist in Western China : with vasculum, camera, and gun, being some account of eleven year's travel, exploration, and observation in the more remote parts of the flowery kingdom; with an introduction by Charles Sprague Sargent. 1 xv  BHL全球