
Dryopteris filix-mas

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Dryopteris filix-mas为接受名
科属名称:Dryopteridaceae(鳞毛蕨科)  鳞毛蕨属
形态描述:植株高约50-120厘米。根状茎横卧,先端密被鳞片,鳞片膜质,淡棕色,卵圆披针形或披针形,先端毛发状,边缘全缘。叶簇生,叶柄长20-30厘米,粗约3-8毫米,深禾秆色,连同叶轴疏被淡棕色狭披针形,边缘流苏状鳞片和纤维状鳞毛;叶片长圆披针形,长50-60厘米,中部宽15-25厘米,先端羽状渐尖,向基部渐变狭,二回羽状;羽片约28对,披针形,先端渐尖,基部平截,具短柄,长12- (-15)厘米,宽1.5- (-2.5)厘米,斜向上升展,彼此相距约2厘米,下部数对远分开,基部几对羽片缩短,长为中部羽片的2/3,羽状分裂;小羽片18-19对,长1-1. 5厘米,宽0.5厘米,斜展,彼此以间隔分开,长圆形,先端钝圆,边缘具缺刻状锯齿,基部与羽 轴狭合生。叶干后淡绿色,纸质;叶脉羽状,二叉,每小羽片6-7对,两面不显,除沿羽轴背疏被稀疏纤维状鳞毛外,其余近光滑。孢子囊群生于中肋两侧,靠近羽轴,每小羽片3-4对,小羽片先端有不育的空间。囊群盖圆肾形,纸质,淡褐色,边缘具缺刻,宿存。
1 新疆植物志,v1 46  BHL中国
2 中国植物志,v5(1) 147  BHL中国
3 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.82 (1995) 1995 297  BHL全球
4 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.3 1892-1896 283  BHL全球
5 The ferns of Great Britain and Ireland /by Thomas Moore ; edited by John Lindley ... ; edited by John Lindley ... ; nature-printed by Henry Bradbury. Moore, Thomas 1855 XIV  BHL全球
6 The ferns of Great Britain and Ireland /by Thomas Moore ... ; edited by John Lindley ... ; nature-printed by Henry Bradbury. Moore, Thomas 1857 XIV  BHL全球
7 Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erläuterndem Texte :Atlas zur Pharmacopoea germanica, austriaca, belgica, danica, helvetica, hungarica, rossica, suecica, Neerlandica, British pharmacopoeia, zum Codex medicamentarius, so v.1 Köhler, F. E. 1887 82  BHL全球
8 Rhodora Index v.76-100 (2001) 2001 66  BHL全球
9 Rhodora v.77 (1975) 1975 490  BHL全球
10 Rhodora v.9 (1907) 1907 27  BHL全球
11 Rhodora v.56 (1954) 1954 BHL全球
12 Rhodora v.56 (1954) 1954 279  BHL全球
13 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.22 1920-1927 267  BHL全球
14 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.22 1920-1927 268  BHL全球
15 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.3 1892-1896 268  BHL全球
16 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.26 1940 279  BHL全球
17 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.26 1940 280  BHL全球
18 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.3 1892-1896 535  BHL全球
19 Rhodora v.52 (1950) 1950 42  BHL全球
20 Repertorium novarum specierum regni vegetabilis. v.7 (1909) 1909 400  BHL全球
21 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.38 1974 265  BHL全球
22 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.19 1915 25  BHL全球
23 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.82 (1995) 1995 309  BHL全球
24 Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. v.30 (1903) 1903 54  BHL全球
25 Wrightia. v.1 (1945-1951) 1945 260  BHL全球
26 Rhodora v.78 (1976) 1976 223  BHL全球
27 Harriman Alaska series. 5 1910 385  BHL全球
28 Carnegie Institution of Washington publication. no. 217 (1915) 1915 41  BHL全球
29 Botanisches Zentralblatt; referierendes Organ für das Gesamtgebiet der Botanik. jahrg. 28, bd. 106 (1907) 184  BHL全球
30 A manual of the flora of northern Idaho /Carl Epling and Joe Ewan. v. 1 1941 99  BHL全球
31 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 14 1985 BHL全球
32 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 14 1985 189  BHL全球
33 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 14 1985 190  BHL全球
34 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 14 1985 191  BHL全球
35 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 14 1985 192  BHL全球
36 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 14 1985 206  BHL全球
37 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 324  BHL全球
38 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 327  BHL全球
39 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 359  BHL全球
40 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 375  BHL全球
41 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 377  BHL全球
42 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 388  BHL全球
43 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 464  BHL全球
44 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 465  BHL全球
45 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 471  BHL全球
46 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 472  BHL全球
47 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 18 (5) 1989 473  BHL全球
48 Flora of West Virginia, by Charles Frederick Millspaugh and Lawrence William Nuttall. v.1:no.2(1896) 191  BHL全球
49 Ferns and fern allies of Guatemala. Robert G. Stolze ; the genus Elaphoglossum by: John T. Mickel ; the genus Thelypteris by: Alan R. Smith. n.s. no.6(1981) BHL全球
50 Ferns and fern allies of Guatemala. Robert G. Stolze ; the genus Elaphoglossum by: John T. Mickel ; the genus Thelypteris by: Alan R. Smith. n.s. no.6(1981) 203  BHL全球
51 Ferns and fern allies of Guatemala. Robert G. Stolze ; the genus Elaphoglossum by: John T. Mickel ; the genus Thelypteris by: Alan R. Smith. n.s. no.6(1981) 详情  BHL全球
52 The Ohio journal of science. v. 10-12 (1909-1912) 56  BHL全球
53 Index filicum,sive, Enumeratio omnium generum specierumque filicum et Hydropteridum ab anno 1753 ad finem anni 1905 descriptorium : adjectis synonymis principalibus, area geographica, etc. /Carl Christensen. Suppl. 4 1934-60 Christensen, C. F. A. 1934-1960 详情  BHL全球
54 Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. v. 34 (1921) 113  BHL全球
55 Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta. 1950 51  BHL全球
56 Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta. 1950 54  BHL全球
57 Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta. 1950 57  BHL全球
58 Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta. 1950 61  BHL全球
59 Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta. 1950 62  BHL全球
60 The morphology of pteridophytes; the structure of ferns and allied plants. 1962 157  BHL全球
61 An illustrated flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California. 1 1923 13  BHL全球
62 An illustrated flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California. 1 1923 16  BHL全球
63 The Plant world. v. 20 (1917) 170  BHL全球
64 The University of Kansas science bulletin. v.33 (1949-1950) 17  BHL全球
65 The University of Kansas science bulletin. v.33 (1949-1950) 35  BHL全球
66 Bulletin de géographie botanique. 21 1911 21  BHL全球
67 Pollen and spore morphology/plant taxonomy; gymnospermae, pteriodophyta, bryophyta (Illustrations) 1957 详情  BHL全球
68 Embryogenesis in plants. 1955 369  BHL全球
69 Botanical abstracts. 9-10, 1918-1922 128  BHL全球
70 Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. 78-90 13  BHL全球
71 Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. 78-90 27  BHL全球
72 Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. 78-90 30  BHL全球
73 Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. 78-90 54  BHL全球
74 Botany of the living plant, by F.O. Bower. In the third edition he was assisted by J.M.F. Drummond, and George Bond, in this fourth edition by C.W. Wardlaw. 1947 674  BHL全球
75 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 459  BHL全球
76 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 481  BHL全球
77 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 482  BHL全球
78 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 485  BHL全球
79 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 487  BHL全球
80 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 489  BHL全球
81 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 490  BHL全球
82 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 492  BHL全球
83 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 494  BHL全球
84 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 496  BHL全球
85 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 497  BHL全球
86 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 498  BHL全球
87 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 499  BHL全球
88 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 500  BHL全球
89 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 501  BHL全球
90 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 502  BHL全球
91 Textbook of theoretical botany, by R. C. McLean and W. R. Ivimey-Cook. 1 1951 503  BHL全球
92 Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1912 1912 201  BHL全球
93 Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1912 1912 531  BHL全球
94 General embryological information service. v. 17, pt. 2 (1978) 1978 23  BHL全球
95 Rhodora v.83 (1981) 1981 269  BHL全球
96 The microbiology of the atmosphere. 1961 210  BHL全球
97 The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku kiyo. Rika. v. 31 (1911) 1911 395  BHL全球
98 Flora of the state of Washington. By Charles V. Piper. 82  BHL全球
99 Flora of New Mexico / by E.O. Wooton and Paul C. Standley. 25  BHL全球
100 ... Flora of Glacier National Park, Montana, by Paul C. Standley. 267  BHL全球