
Pachyrhizus erosus

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Pachyrhizus erosus为接受名
科属名称:Fabaceae(豆科)  豆薯属
1 浙江植物志,v3 384  BHL中国
2 安徽植物志,v3 157  BHL中国
3 福建植物志,v3 93  BHL中国
4 海南植物志,v2 326  BHL中国
5 中国植物志,v41 212  BHL中国
6 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.51 2005 452  BHL全球
7 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 426  BHL全球
8 Rhodora Index v.76-100 (2001) 2001 129  BHL全球
9 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 404  BHL全球
10 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 467  BHL全球
11 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.10 1906-1908 133  BHL全球
12 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 432  BHL全球
13 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.27 1928 218  BHL全球
14 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 249  BHL全球
15 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.51 2005 460  BHL全球
16 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 558  BHL全球
17 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.10 1906-1908 218  BHL全球
18 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.10 1906-1908 219  BHL全球
19 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium v.45 2003 441  BHL全球
20 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 33, Abt. 1 (1905) 532  BHL全球
21 Flora of the Lancetilla Valley, Honduras, by Paul C. Standley. v.10(1931) 228  BHL全球
22 Flora of Costa Rica ... by Paul C. Standley ... v.18:pt:4(1938) 1555  BHL全球
23 The forests and flora of British Honduras / by Paul C. Standley and Samuel J. Record ; in cooperation with the Conservator of Forests and the Agricultural Officer of the Colony. v.12(1936) 189  BHL全球
24 Flora of Yucatan, by Paul C. Standley. v.3:no.3(1930) 298  BHL全球
25 Flora of Yucatan, by Paul C. Standley. v.3:no.3(1930) 299  BHL全球
26 Flora of Costa Rica ... by Paul C. Standley ... v.18:pt.2(1937) 549  BHL全球
27 Ethnology of the Mayas of southern and central British Honduras / by J. Eric Thompson -- Berthold Laufer -- ed. v.17:no.2(1930) 191  BHL全球
28 Ethnology of the Mayas of southern and central British Honduras / by J. Eric Thompson -- Berthold Laufer -- ed. v.17:no.2(1930) 211  BHL全球
29 The Leguminosae of Porto Rico. By J. Perkins. 133  BHL全球
30 The Leguminosae of Porto Rico. By J. Perkins. 218  BHL全球
31 The Leguminosae of Porto Rico. By J. Perkins. 219  BHL全球
32 Annual report of the Director of the Bureau of Science ... 1913-1916 51  BHL全球
33 Boletín / Secretaría de Agricultura, Comercio y Trabajo, Estación Experimental Agronómica de Cuba. 21-27 171  BHL全球
34 Emergency food plants and poisonous plants of the islands of the Pacific / [E.D. Merrill] 1943 详情  BHL全球
35 Rhodora v.83 (1981) 1981 201  BHL全球
36 Pamphlets on forestry in the Philippine Islands. 7 68  BHL全球
37 Subtropical vegetable-gardening. 306  BHL全球
38 Publication / Institute of Social Anthropology. no. 4 (1947) 140  BHL全球
39 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.67 (1980) 1980 743  BHL全球
40 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.67 (1980) 1980 744  BHL全球
41 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.67 (1980) 1980 745  BHL全球
42 Subtropical vegetable-gardening, 287  BHL全球
43 Subtropical vegetable-gardening, 306  BHL全球
44 Flora Vitiensis nova : a new Flora of Fiji (spermatophytes only) / Albert C. Smith. v. 3 (1985) 224  BHL全球
45 List of intercepted plant pests / United States Department of Agriculture, Plant Quarantine and Control Administration. 1948-1963 13  BHL全球
苗药】Ghob nzhub jib lox bub(阿柱地罗卜),Ghab hniub vob bangt dob(嘎纽窝榜答),Benx det pab(本斗攀):种子用于杀虫,治疥疮,头癣《苗医药》。钩葛薯:种子治小儿烂头癣,湿疹《桂药编》。
资源志】块根(地瓜):甘,平。清暑,生津,降压。用于热病口渴,中暑,高血压症。 种子(地瓜子):有毒。用于疥癣,痈肿;外用于头虱。