
Sabina chinensis

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Sabina chinensis为异名,其接受名为:Juniperus chinensis
科属名称:Cupressaceae(柏科)  圆柏属
形态描述:乔木,高达20米,胸径达3.5米;树皮深灰色,纵裂,成条片开裂;幼树的枝条通常斜上伸展,形成尖塔形树冠,老则下部大枝平展,形成广圆形的树冠;树皮灰褐色,纵裂,裂成不规则的薄片脱落;小枝通常直或稍成弧状弯曲,生鳞叶的小枝近圆柱形或近四棱形,径1-1.2毫米。叶二型,即刺叶及鳞叶;刺叶生于幼树之上,老龄树则全为鳞叶,壮龄树兼有刺叶与鳞叶;生于一年生小枝的一回分枝的鳞叶三叶轮生,直 伸而紧密,近披针形,先端微渐尖,长2.5-5毫米,背面近中部有椭圆形微凹的腺体;刺叶三叶交互轮生,斜展,疏松,披针形,先端渐尖,长6-12毫米,上面微凹,有两条白粉带。雌雄异株,稀同株,雄球花黄色,椭圆形,长2.5-3.5毫米,雄蕊5-7对,常有3-4花药。球果近圆球形,径6-8毫米,两年成熟,熟时暗褐色,被白粉或白粉脱落,有1-4粒种子;种子卵圆形,扁,顶端钝,有棱脊及少数树脂槽;子叶2枚,出土,条形,长1.3-1.5厘米,宽约1毫米,先端锐尖,下面有两条白色气孔带,上面则不明显。
1 浙江植物志,v1 377  BHL中国
2 安徽植物志,v1 249  BHL中国
3 北京植物志,v上册 67  BHL中国
4 福建植物志,v1 310  BHL中国
5 贵州植物志,v1 27  BHL中国
6 河北植物志,v1 187  BHL中国
7 河南植物志,v1 148  BHL中国
8 横断山植物志,v上册 208  BHL中国
9 江西植物志,v1 479  BHL中国
10 辽宁植物志 167  BHL中国
11 内蒙古植物志,v1 268  BHL中国
12 秦岭植物志,v1(1) 22  BHL中国
13 山东植物志,v上卷 217  BHL中国
14 四川植物志,v2 190  BHL中国
15 西藏植物志,v1 389  BHL中国
16 中国植物志,v7 362  BHL中国
17 Plantae Wilsonianae :an enumeration of the woody plants collected in western China for the Arnold arboretum of Harvard university during the years 1907, 1908, and 1910 /by E. H. Wilson, ed. by Charles Sprague Sargent. 1916 v.2 Sargent, C. S. 1916 61  BHL全球
18 Plantae Wilsonianae :an enumeration of the woody plants collected in western China for the Arnold arboretum of Harvard university during the years 1907, 1908, and 1910 /by E. H. Wilson, ed. by Charles Sprague Sargent. 1916 v.2 Sargent, C. S. 1916 656  BHL全球
19 Biochemical systematics [by] Ralph E. Alston [and] B. L. Turner. 1963 220  BHL全球
20 Great Basin naturalist memoirs. no.13:pt.2:v.A (1992) 1992 250  BHL全球
21 Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift. v.15 (1865) 1865 123  BHL全球
22 Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum; or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described; with their propagation, culture, mana v.4 1854. 2619  BHL全球
23 Frilands-traevaexten i Danmark : veiledning til kundskab om de traeer og buske, som kunne dyrkes i friland in Danmark / af A.S. Ørsted. hefte 1-2 1864-[1867]. BHL全球
24 Frilands-traevaexten i Danmark : veiledning til kundskab om de traeer og buske, som kunne dyrkes i friland in Danmark / af A.S. Ørsted. hefte 1-2 1864-[1867]. BHL全球
25 Frilands-traevaexten i Danmark : veiledning til kundskab om de traeer og buske, som kunne dyrkes i friland in Danmark / af A.S. Ørsted. hefte 1-2 1864-[1867]. BHL全球
26 Isis von Oken. v.26 1833 1820-1848. 486  BHL全球
27 Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde. Systematik, Beschreibung, Verwendung und Kultur der Freiland-Coniferen. Für Gärtner Forstleute und Botaniker, bearbeitet von L. Beissner. 1891 118  BHL全球
28 The conifers and taxads of Japan. Issued December 30, 1916. 85  BHL全球
29 The conifers and taxads of Japan. Issued December 30, 1916. 91  BHL全球
30 Dendrologie; Bäume, Sträucher und Halbsträucher, welche in Mittel- und Nord- Europa im Freien kultivirt werden. 2 136  BHL全球
31 Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde; Systematik, Beschreibung, Verwendung und Kultur der Ginkgoaceen, Freiland-Coniferen und Gnetaceen, für Gärtner. Forstleute und Botaniker. 603  BHL全球
32 The trees of Great Britain & Ireland / by Henry John Elwes and Augustine Henry. 6 1430  BHL全球
33 Pamphlets on forestry in Japan. 2 85  BHL全球
34 Pamphlets on forestry in Japan. 2 91  BHL全球
35 Plantae Wilsonianae; an enumeration of the woody plants collected in western China for the Arnold arboretum of Harvard university during the years 1907, 1908, and 1910, by E. H. Wilson, ed. by Charles Sprague Sargent. 61  BHL全球
36 Plantae Wilsonianae; an enumeration of the woody plants collected in western China for the Arnold arboretum of Harvard university during the years 1907, 1908, and 1910, by E. H. Wilson, ed. by Charles Sprague Sargent. 646  BHL全球
37 Plantae Wilsonianae; an enumeration of the woody plants collected in western China for the Arnold arboretum of Harvard university during the years 1907, 1908, and 1910, by E. H. Wilson, ed. by Charles Sprague Sargent. 656  BHL全球
38 Oesterreichische botanische Zeitschrift. v.15 1865 1858- 123  BHL全球
39 Flora of Japan : in English : combined, much revised and extended translation / by the author of his Flora of Japan (1953) and Flora of Japan, Pteridophyta (1957) ; edited by Frederick G. Meyer and Egbert H. Walker. 117  BHL全球
40 Flora of Japan : in English : combined, much revised and extended translation / by the author of his Flora of Japan (1953) and Flora of Japan, Pteridophyta (1957) ; edited by Frederick G. Meyer and Egbert H. Walker. 1049  BHL全球
41 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. v. 107 (2005) 256  BHL全球