
Sagittaria pygmaea

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Sagittaria pygmaea为接受名
科属名称:Alismataceae(泽泻科)  慈姑属
形态描述:一年生,稀多年生沼生或沉水草本。有时具短根状茎;匍匐茎短细,根状,末端的芽几乎不膨大,通常当年萌发形成新株,稀有越冬者。叶条形,稀披针形,长2-30厘米,宽0.2-1厘米,光滑,先端渐尖,或稍钝,基部鞘状,通常具横脉。花葶高5-35厘米,直立,通常挺水。花序总状,长2-10厘米,具花2 (-3) 轮;苞片长2-3毫米,宽约2毫米,椭圆形,膜质:花单性,外轮花被片绿色,倒卵形,长5-7毫米,宽3-5毫米,具条纹,宿存,内轮花被片白色,长1-1.5厘米,宽1-1.6厘米,圆形或扁圆形;雌花1朵,单生,或与两朵雄花组成1轮,心皮多数,两侧压扁,密集成球状,花柱从腹侧伸出,向上;雄花具梗,雄蕊多,花丝长短、宽窄随花期不同而异,通常长1-2毫米,宽0.5-1毫米,花药长椭圆形,长约1-1.5毫米。瘦果两侧压扁,具翅,近倒卵形,长3-5毫米,宽2.5-3.5毫米,背翅具鸡冠状齿裂;果喙自腹侧伸出,长1-1.5毫米。花果期5-11月。2n=22。

1 浙江植物志,v7 16  BHL中国
2 安徽植物志,v5 BHL中国
3 贵州植物志,v2 663  BHL中国
4 海南植物志,v4 62  BHL中国
5 河南植物志,v4 24  BHL中国
6 秦岭植物志,v1(1) 44  BHL中国
7 中国植物志,v8 135  BHL中国
8 Symbolae sinicae :botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein nach Südwest-China, 1914-1918 /herausgegeben von Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti ; unter mitarbeit von Viktor Brotherus ... [et al.]. v.7 pt.4-5 1936 1187  BHL全球
9 Icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram formosanam : or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a flora of the island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical survey of the Government of Formosa / By B. H 5 250  BHL全球
10 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 41, Abt. 2-3 (1913) 1913 BHL全球
11 Manual of vascular plants of the lower Yangtze Valley, China. 1958 425  BHL全球
12 Manual of vascular plants of the lower Yangtze Valley, China. 1958 426  BHL全球
13 Manual of vascular plants of the lower Yangtze Valley, China. 1958 613  BHL全球
14 Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. v.36 (1905) BHL全球
15 The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan = Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku kiyo. Rika. v. 31 (1911) 1911 274  BHL全球
16 Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder. Jahrg. 9, Abt. 2 (1882) 1882 848  BHL全球
17 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. v.61 (1980) 1980 90  BHL全球
18 General index to the flora of Formosa as recorded in all literature up to the publication of Icones plantarum Formosanarum VI = Taiwan shokubutsu somokuroku / [B. Hayata] 1917 89  BHL全球
19 Icones plantarum Formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram Formosanam; or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a flora of the Island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa. 04-05 250  BHL全球
20 Icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram formosanam; or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a flora of the island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical survey of the Government of Formosa. By B. Hay 5 250  BHL全球
21 Trudy Imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago botanicheskago sada.Acta Horti Petropolitani. v.20 (1901) 1901 235  BHL全球
22 Flora of Japan : in English : combined, much revised and extended translation / by the author of his Flora of Japan (1953) and Flora of Japan, Pteridophyta (1957) ; edited by Frederick G. Meyer and Egbert H. Walker. 127  BHL全球